Driving Growth And Innovation For Over 20 Years

Are you looking for a collaborative marketing product management leader who accelerates business growth through data-driven decisions and effective cross-functional relationships?

I'm Your Guy.

Product Marketing Leadership from Startups to Large Corporate

Team Leadership

Builds and Leads High Performing Teams

Collaborative product executive

I'm a relationship builder who can make c-suite presentations and then roll up my sleeves to lead scrum teams and product managers.

Innovative solutions

I've navigated complex regulatory environments, competing agendas, and product failures to build a $120 million line of business.

Product sales and customer aquisition

In both digital and traditional marketing channels, I bring a successful track record of D2C and B2B acquisition, activation and retention.

Inspiring teams

From large-scale, global matrixed-managed teams to direct reports, I lead teams to achieve challenging milestones.

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How did you do that?

Have you seen me elsewhere on the web?

I decided to manage my search like a product marketing campaign. So, like the latest and greatest gadget, you might be seeing more of me, because you visited this website. Each visit to this site is an opportunity for me to test and refine the ad campaign, the content, the message, and the calls-to-action. This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I could bring to your team.

Are you looking for a leader? I'm your guy.

Contact Dave

Currently Leading Digital Product And Marketing


The Turn-Around

Trekbible was recently acquired by Carolina Traveler. I'm crafting a strategy to turn around this property with a mix a new content and e-commerce product offerings.

Carolina Traveler Magazine

Content Creator

Carolina Traveler is a digital, print and social media content creator. In addition to creating consumer products (subscriptions) and advertising products, I manage the e-commerce capabilities.

AI travel planning  tool

A.I. Tools

Travel planning, powered by generative AI. I am leading the team developing this travel tool. I am currently working through the go-to-market plan. You're welcome to try the beta site at https://ask.tripfox.com.


  • Is this an agency pitch?

    No. I'm looking for a career senior leader role, where my experience in digital product management and marketing can make an immediate and positive impact. 

  • Personal interviews?

    In most cases I can adjust my schedule with a 24-hour notice. I'm available by phone, video, or in-person.

  • Ideal role?

    Senior Digital Product Manager & Marketing Leader. 

  • Manage direct reports?

    I have successfully led teams of direct reports and large global teams in highly matrixed environments.  I am equally comfortable as an influencer / collaborator / individual contributor, as I am as a manager.

A digital product leader for your business.

If you're looking to invest in senior leadership for your digital team, contact me.

Dave Wolding
(704) 519-8778
Happily settled in Charlotte, NC

Dave Wolding contact form

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